In-person Event | October 30-31, 2024
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Thursday, October 31

09:30 JST

Keynote: Opening Remarks - Shane Coughlan, The Linux Foundation
Thursday October 31, 2024 09:30 - 09:40 JST
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Shane Coughlan

General Manager, OpenChain
Shane Coughlan is an expert in communication, security and business development. His professional accomplishments include spearheading the licensing team that elevated OIN into the largest patent non-aggression community in history and establishing the first global network for open... Read More →
Thursday October 31, 2024 09:30 - 09:40 JST
Room 1

09:40 JST

Keynote: Lessons Learned from the Integration Journey of 2 OSPOs in LY Corporation - Seoyeon Lee, LINE+ Corporation
Thursday October 31, 2024 09:40 - 10:05 JST
This presentation shares the experiences and challenges faced during the integration process of the Open Source Program Offices (OSPO) at LY Corporation, formed by the merger of LINE Corporation and Yahoo! Japan Corporation. It highlights the insights gained from merging two different OSPOs and aims to share best practices and strategies for effective compliance policy integration and operation. 
avatar for Seoyeon Lee

Seoyeon Lee

Staff, LY Corporation
I joined LINE+ in 2017 with the aim to establish and lead the open source program across the entire LINE Group. Currently, post our merger into LY Corp, I'm now a part of the larger OSPO within the organization. While my initial focus was on open source compliance, I have since broadened... Read More →
Thursday October 31, 2024 09:40 - 10:05 JST
Room 1

10:05 JST

Keynote: Adjusting in-Production Processes for OSS Management - Mary (Meixia) Wang, Volvo Car Corporation
Thursday October 31, 2024 10:05 - 10:30 JST
Challenges in adjusting in-production processes for improved open source management and how to overcome them - Volvo case study
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Meixia Wang

Director of Open Source Ecosystem, Volvo Car Corporation
Mary Wang is the Director of Open Source Ecosystem of Volvo Car Corporation. Her professional accomplishments include initiating open source project, forming and built OSPO for Volvo Cars. Before this, Mary was a subject matter expert configuration manager and was responsible for... Read More →
Thursday October 31, 2024 10:05 - 10:30 JST
Room 1

10:30 JST

Keynote: OpenChain Practices in Real Use, How OpenChain Helps Nokia in Its Open Source Journey - Eleftheria Stefanaki, Nokia
Thursday October 31, 2024 10:30 - 10:55 JST
We at Nokia are following the OpenChain compliance standard in our day to day operations of open source compliance. Our processes need to be very effective for the developers and the compliance staff due to the massive amount of open source usage and the criticality of our open source contributions. In their talk, Eleftheria and Gergely will uncover not only how the usage of the practices defined in OpenChain help to design and execute these lean compliance processes, but also what challenges the Nokia OSPO had in the evaluation of OpenChain compliance. Fulfilling the standard requirements is not a walk in the park, especially for large organizations with diverse business models that need to fight against decades of bias, misconceptions or even complete lack of knowledge towards open source. For adopting the OpenChain compliance standard, many different actors and stakeholders within an organization need to cooperate – and in some cases they do not understand every aspect of open source. In this presentation, we want to highlight how shifting the narrative and educating are pillars for a robust and well-functioning open source compliance management system.
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Eleftheria Stefanaki

FOSS Legal Counsel, Nokia Technologies
I am a lawyer from Greece, specialized in technology and passionate about open source. I have started my 'open source journey' in Ericsson, assisting and participating in the activities and day-to-day of the OSPO since 2022. Currently, I am the FOSS Legal Counsel for Nokia Technologies... Read More →
Thursday October 31, 2024 10:30 - 10:55 JST
Room 1
  Keynote Sessions, Legal / IPR

10:55 JST

Coffee Break
Thursday October 31, 2024 10:55 - 11:25 JST
Thursday October 31, 2024 10:55 - 11:25 JST
Room 1

11:25 JST

Using Case Studies to Inspire: The Value and Process of Sharing Experience with the Community - Russ Eling, OSS Consultants; Yang Hanbo (Tony), openEuler; Seoyeon Lee, LINE; Masato Endo, Toyota
Thursday October 31, 2024 11:25 - 11:55 JST
This panel will use two case studies to highlight how sharing experience from adopting industry solutions can help support the open source ecosystem. One is about how BlackBerry adopted ISO 5230 for open source license compliance with the assistance of OSS Consultants. The other is about how the openEuler Project adopted ISO 18974 for open source security assurance. Each case study explored different nuances of corporate or community activity to align with international standards, illustrating how common threads can be found to support continual improvement everywhere in our supply chain.
avatar for Masato Endo

Masato Endo

Group Manager, Open Source Program Group, Toyota
Masato Endo is the Group Manager of Driver Monitoring Group, Value Chain Service and Technology Development, Technical Project Field of Advanced R&D and Engineering Company in TOYOTA. He focuses also on building the Open Source governance structure within Toyota and developing relationships... Read More →
avatar for Russ Eling

Russ Eling

Russ Eling, OSS Consultants
Russ is the Founder of OSS Consultants - a business dedicated to helping organizations of all sizes manage their use of open source software. OSS Consultants helps organizations with everything from scanning and audit services, to building an entire open source program. OSS Consultants... Read More →
avatar for Seoyeon Lee

Seoyeon Lee

Staff, LY Corporation
I joined LINE+ in 2017 with the aim to establish and lead the open source program across the entire LINE Group. Currently, post our merger into LY Corp, I'm now a part of the larger OSPO within the organization. While my initial focus was on open source compliance, I have since broadened... Read More →

Yang Hanbo (Tony)

Contributor, openEuler Security Committee
Tony Yang is a dedicated open source contributor with a keen interest in the open source supply chain. He holds an MSc. in CompSci. from the University of Hong Kong, and now works as a software engineer for Huawei Technologies. As a contributor from the openEuler Security Committee... Read More →
Thursday October 31, 2024 11:25 - 11:55 JST
Room 1

11:55 JST

Rethinking GPL Interpretations to Promote Licence Compatibility - James Bottomley, Microsoft
Thursday October 31, 2024 11:55 - 12:15 JST
the incompatibility of open source licences has been one of the banes of our ecosystem (see for example the openvpn apache GPL licence amendment for mbedtls). All of these incompatibilities serve merely to promote confusion among open source developers about how the may legitimately share code among truly open projects, cause massive headaches for users and distributors trying to ensure licence compliance and do nothing to deter people out to violate the licence. The biggest problematic incompatibility is that of GPL with popular permissive licences like Apache-2. This comes about because of the licence steward (the FSF) and its rigid interpretation of the no additional restrictions clause. This talk will argue that this clause isn't as rigid as the FSF thinks and, in fact, restrictions compatible with the purpose of the licence (including the indemnity clause of Apache-2) can be accommodated.
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James Bottomley

Partner Architect, Microsoft
James Bottomley is a Partner Architect at Microsoft working on Linux. He is also Linux Kernel maintainer of the SCSI subsystem. He started at AT&T Bell labs to work on Lock Manager technology for clustering. In 2000 he helped found SteelEye Technology to bring HA to Linux, becoming... Read More →
Thursday October 31, 2024 11:55 - 12:15 JST
Room 1
  Breakout Sessions, Licensing

12:15 JST

Thursday October 31, 2024 12:15 - 13:30 JST
Thursday October 31, 2024 12:15 - 13:30 JST
Room 1

13:30 JST

Open Source Compliance: What Is Under the Carpet? - Armijn Hemel, Tjaldur Software Governance Solutions & Oscar Valenzuela, Amazon
Thursday October 31, 2024 13:30 - 15:05 JST
There is a saying: in theory, theory and practice are the same but in practice they are not. We work in practice and we are seeing that many of the tools and processes that have been developed and that people have put a lot of time and effort in do not address our needs and only solve a small part of the compliance puzzle we are trying to solve daily. In this deep dive we want to show what challenges we face and where current tools and processes are letting us down. This will be a positive and uplifting talk.
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Armijn Hemel

Armijn, Tjaldur Software Governance Solutions
Armijn Hemel, MSc is the owner of Tjaldur Software Governance Solutions, a consultancy specialized in open source license compliance, software provenance and binary analysis.
avatar for Oscar Valenzuela

Oscar Valenzuela

Principal Open Source Engineer, Amazon
As Principal Open Source Engineer, Oscar leads Amazon's technical strategy for license compliance. Leveraging his experience, he defines compliance methodologies and tools to optimize and scale compliance processes across the company. In his role, Oscar provides technical guidance... Read More →
Thursday October 31, 2024 13:30 - 15:05 JST
Room 1

15:05 JST

Open Source Diligence: From Risk Assessment to Post-Close Integration - Jari Koivisto, Freelance
Thursday October 31, 2024 15:05 - 15:30 JST
Open source components form the backbone of nearly every application in every industry. Acquirers in M&A deals want to understand what risk is in the software they’re acquiring to avoid post-close headaches and integration nightmares. Your software due diligence process will help determine the ultimate success or failure of the transaction. Join us and a speaker who has “been there” for this live webinar as we discuss best practices before, during, and after the due diligence phase to ensure post-close success. We’ll cover: • Why open source due diligence is key in tech transactions • Lessons learned on how to perform open source due diligence • How to leverage diligence findings in post-close integration
avatar for Jari Koivisto

Jari Koivisto

Open Source Specialist, Freelance
Jari Koivisto is a high-tech professional, who is one of the most experienced Open Source Due Diligence Leads in the world. He has led around 50 Open Source Due Diligences for Cisco Systems’ acquisitions and he is very familiar with the Open Source Compliance issues that can be... Read More →
Thursday October 31, 2024 15:05 - 15:30 JST
Room 1
  Breakout Sessions, M&A

15:30 JST

Coffee Break
Thursday October 31, 2024 15:30 - 16:00 JST
Thursday October 31, 2024 15:30 - 16:00 JST
Room 1

16:00 JST

Adopt Supply Chain Standards, Create an Ecosystem, and Assist Industry Development - Bill Ren, Huawei
Thursday October 31, 2024 16:00 - 16:25 JST
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Bill Ren

Chief Open Source Liaison Officer, Board member of CNCF, Huawei
Bill Ren holds an EMBA and Master Degree from Peking University, and a CS Bachelor Degree from Shanghai Jiaotong University. Since Joining Huawei in 2000, Bill served as an Intelligent Network Research and Development Engineer, Product Manager and Architect of India Branch, General... Read More →
Thursday October 31, 2024 16:00 - 16:25 JST
Room 1

16:25 JST

From an Open Data Set to Standardized Management Processes. Step One: Cryptographic Algorithms List - Agustin Benito Bethencourt & Julian Coccia, SCANOSS
Thursday October 31, 2024 16:25 - 16:50 JST
Software supply chains would benefit from standardizing the declaration of cryptographic algorithms. Incorporating these algorithms into SBOMs is crucial for developing open, shared and transparent management processes in areas like export control or security compliance and auditing to declare, publish, distribute, etc. information about crypto algorithms present in any software composition within complex supply chains. Creating, maintaining, and publishing a curated list of cryptographic algorithms is a required infrastructure step, and the SPDX project has committed to perform these tasks, under an open participation process. During the talk, Julián and Agustin will describe the current state of SPDX's crypto algorithms list and its expected impact, together with future plans. List: https://github.com/spdx/crypto-algorithms Finally, both speakers will trigger a discussion around an open collaboration within OpenChain to foster a robust open-source tooling ecosystem for detecting cryptographic algorithms as well as to define those key management processes within complex supply chains.
avatar for Julian Coccia

Julian Coccia

Passionate about Open Source license compliance. Developed global Open Source processes and tools at Ericsson. Co-founded and developed the core technology at FOSSID. Driving the Project Office at the Software Transparency Foundation to drive SBOM adoption. Leading the technology... Read More →
avatar for Agustin Benito Bethencourt

Agustin Benito Bethencourt

Independent Consultant, Toscalix
Agustín has guided organizations throughout the life cycle of OSS based products and services cross-markets. As an independent consultant, he is focused on helping organizations in two ways: applying business intelligence to software production environments to increase delivery performance... Read More →
Thursday October 31, 2024 16:25 - 16:50 JST
Room 1

16:50 JST

ClearlyDefined: Sharing your Open Source License Scan Data with Others - Tom Bedford, Bloomberg
Thursday October 31, 2024 16:50 - 17:05 JST
Every single day, hundreds of companies scan exactly the same open source projects as each other, in order to detect and manage open source licenses. Find out how the Open Source Initiative’s ‘ClearlyDefined’ project takes the typical open source license scanning practices, leverages crowd-sourcing and open source contributions, in order to make the results available for all to consume.
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Tom Bedford

SDLC Security and Compliance, Bloomberg
Tom Bedford leads Bloomberg Engineering's software supply chain efforts, helping define the company’s approach to managing its usage of open source software.
Thursday October 31, 2024 16:50 - 17:05 JST
Room 1

17:05 JST

Compliance and Integrity in the Software Supply Chain with Software Heritage: A Call to Action - Roberto Di Cosmo, Director, Software Heritage
Thursday October 31, 2024 17:05 - 17:30 JST
In an increasingly complex software supply chain landscape, ensuring compliance, integrity, and traceability of source code is paramount. Software Heritage, launched by Inria in 2016 in partnership with UNESCO, is a global non profit long term initiative to collect, preserve and make easily accessible all publicly available source coce. As the reference infrastructure for archiving and referencing, it offers unparalleled potential to address these challenges.

This presentation will explore how Software Heritage’s initiatives, including the SWHID (Software Hash Identifier) and the upcoming "Code Commons" project, are poised to enhance compliance across the software supply chain. By integrating with SPDX and contributing to global standards, Software Heritage not only guarantees the availability and integrity of software source code, but also drives forward the business management of open source.

As an open multi-stakeholder non profit initiative, joining Software Heritage provides a unique opportunity to contribute to its roadmap and have your needs taken into account.
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Roberto Di Cosmo

Founder & Director, Software Heritage; Chair of the Software Chapter of the French National Committee for Open Science
An alumnus of the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, with a PhD in Computer Science from the University of PisaRoberto Di Cosmo was associate professor for almost a decade at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. In 1999, he became a Computer Science full professor at Universi... Read More →
Thursday October 31, 2024 17:05 - 17:30 JST
Room 1

17:30 JST

Keynote: Closing Remarks - Shane Coughlan, The Linux Foundation
Thursday October 31, 2024 17:30 - 17:35 JST
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Shane Coughlan

General Manager, OpenChain
Shane Coughlan is an expert in communication, security and business development. His professional accomplishments include spearheading the licensing team that elevated OIN into the largest patent non-aggression community in history and establishing the first global network for open... Read More →
Thursday October 31, 2024 17:30 - 17:35 JST
Room 1
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